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But today is reserved for cleaning up the aftermath of the kids’ closet and our closet vomiting their contents into the living room so we could chose funeral-appropriate clothing for the last few days.  Plus the clean laundry. Plus the kitchen. Plus swimming lessons tonight. Plus a 22 month old who hates wearing her diaper now. Plus I want a stiff drink – like some fancy sweet coffee thing from a barista or something. Plus I am so getting ice cream. Plus I haven’t been on my official “walk” in a week, but I did chase Squidlets all over for two days of funeral plus a day at the in-laws’, so I did get in some exercise. Plus where the hell is that coffee. Plus I still have to get the holiday letter out. Plus we didn’t hear from the tree man. Plus I want to shampoo the carpet but it’s been rainy and damp forever and it’s not an appropriate time to do it because it’d stay damp forever and I have to get miss K to stop brushing her teeth as she’s been at it for 15 minutes now.

2 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Tosha Newark said,

    sending one caucasian your way:-)

  2. 2

    squidwidget said,


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